Sketchbook 6

Felicia Chiao

Publisher: Paragon Books

ISBN: 978-1-952251-04-7

Dimensions: 9 x 11 in

Pages: 128

Published by Paragon Books


debossed hardcover with a dust jacket
9 x 11 inches / 128 pages
ISBN: 978-1-952251-04-7


Paragon Books is pleased to present Sketchbook 6 by San Francisco-based artist Felicia Chiao.


This stunning new release is a nearly identical reproduction of the artist's personal sketchbook, a personal artistic project in which she filled the pages cover to cover over the course of about a year and a half.


Featuring over sixty full color paintings, sketches and notes, this beautiful new book provides a rare and intimate glimpse inside the mind and studio of this prolific and acclaimed artist.