Artists 4 ERA

Artists 4 ERA and VoteEquality are raising awareness of the effort to add gender equality to the U.S. Constitution with the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Artists across the country are creating fresh, new and exciting imagery for the ERA movement. The visuals are current, inclusive and responsive to today’s efforts toward equality for all.


Included in that select group of individuals are Harman Projects artists Chuck Sperry, Kelly Tunstall, Ferris Plock and Tara McPherson; as well as such artists as Shepard Fairey, CLAW, Tracie Ching and more!


VoteEquality evolved from VAratifyERA and is led by a diverse group of experienced advocates from the last three states to ratify (Virginia, Illinois, and Nevada). The team has grown to include advocates from all around the nation.


Chuck Sperry poster for ERA featuring a woman and the words

Chuck Sperry 



Artists 4 ERA poster by Kelly Tunstall

Kelly Tunstall



Artists 4 ERA poster by Tara McPherson

  Tara McPherson



Artists 4 ERA poster by Ferris Plock

Ferris Plock

March 19, 2022