Thank you to all the friends, artists and collectors that came out opening night of the 10th Annual Supersonic Invitational in Los Angeles. The group exhibition featured more than 50 artist from around the world and was curated by Zach Tutor. The show will be on view through Satuday, August 27th at 2754 S La Cienga Blvd.
To learn more about Supersonic X Invitational or our upcoming exhibition schedule, email our Harman Projects Director Raul Barquet at
Featured artists:
Jonny Alexander | Daliah Lina Ammar | Eduardo Angel | Glenn Arthur | Chris Austin | Bael | Tom Bagshaw | Paul Barnes | Kelsey Beckett | Brian Butler | Victor Castillo | Young-Ji Cha | Sam Wolfe Connelly | Ken Flewellyn | Cam Floyd | Beau Bernier Frank | JD Fridlund | Gian Galang | Ken Garduno | Diana Georgie | Frank Gonzales | Jeff Gress | Kamea Hadar | Mikko Heino | Kazuhiro Hori | Joshua Horkey | Anthony Hurd | Charlie Immer | Shoko Ishida | Paulette Jo | Yok Joaquin | Sarah Joncas | Steve Kim | Steve Martinez | Maldha Mohamed | Mayumi Konno | Leegan Koo | Joshua Lawyer | Jason Limon | Scott Listfield | Lihao Lu | Greg Mike | Tommy Mitchell | Jerome Masi | Johnny Akihito Noda | Victoria V. Nunley | Patrick Oates | Shoichi Okumura | Askew One | ONEQ | Jun Oson | Roxy Peroxyde | Gustavo Rimada | Nicole Salagar | Brooks Shane Salzwedel | Andi Soto | Tatiana Suarez | David Surman | Andie Taylor | Scott Tulay | Edwin Ushiro | Lee Wagstaff | Casey Weldon | Jasper Wong | Zoltron | Aaron Zulpo

Curator Zach Tutor

Artist Johnny Alexander

Artisit Charlie Immer

Artist Scott Listfield

Artist Victor Castillo

Artist Edwin Ushiro

Artisit Charlie Immer

Artist Scott Listfield

Artist Victor Castillo

Artist Edwin Ushiro

Artist Ken Flewellyn

Artist Diana Georgie
August 17, 2022