The Moleskine Project is a collective exhibition of customized sketchbooks by hundreds of emerging and established artists from across the globe, curated by Harman Projects. The exhibition spans various artistic styles and mediums, delving into how artists sketch and develop creative ideas. The exhibition, which made its initial debut at Spoke Art San Francisco in 2011, is a continuation of that project where artists are provided with a blank Moleskine book and invited to create an original work of art within its pages.

The Moleskine Project at Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum will launch with an opening reception from 6:00 to 10:00 on September 9th and will run through December 4th. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 to 5:00 and Sunday from 12:00 to 5:00. 

Featured Artists:
Daliah Ammar | Kelsey Beckett | Sofia Bonati | Robert Bown | Arthur Brouthers | Daniel Brown |  Stephanie Brown | Angel Cabrales | Adam Caldwell |  Peter Chan | Alexandre Clair | Kim Cogan | Rose Couch | Andrew DeGraff | Fenway Fan | Arthur Gain | Ken Garduno | Monica Garwood | GATS PTV | Jeff Gillette | Frank Gonzales | Matthew Grabelsky | Rachel Gregor | Paul Gufflet | Christopher Michael Hefner | Aaron Horkey | Joshua Horkey | Anthony Hurd | Paul Jackson | Celia Jacobs | Hanna Jaeun | Caroline Ji | Martine Johanna | David Kassan | Justin Coro Kaufman | Audrey Kawasaki | Dan-ah Kim | Kit King | Hope Kroll | Brin Levinson | Adam Lister | Sergio Lopez | Travis Louie | Rodrigo Luff | Sean Mahan | Ryan Malley | Christopher Martin | Brian Mashburn | Tim Maxwell | Caitlin McCormack | Patrick McGrath Muniz | Lara Lee Meintjes | Laura Menardi | Drew Merritt | David Molesky | Christina Mrozik |  Murugiah | Fumi Mini Nakamura | JP Neang | Paul Neberra |  Reuben Negron | Zachary Oldenkamp | Karla Ortiz | Alex Pardee | Pat Perry | Kevin Peterson | Joel Daniel Phillips | Ferris Plock | Jason Raish | Michael Reeder | Allison Reimold | David Rice | Matt Ritchie | Nick Runge | Taylor Schultek | Amy Sol | Ruth Speer | Tatiana Suarez | Angela Sung |  James Thistlethwaite | Juan Travieso | Kelly Tunstall | Amandine Urruty | Dorian Vallejo | Roos Van Der Vliet | Neryl Walker | Bec Winnel | Adrian Kay Wong | Bryce Wymer | Austen Zombres

An advance preview will be made available. For more information, additional images, or exclusive content, please email Director, Raul Barquet at info@harmanprojects.com.

Friday, September 9th

Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum (south gallery)
1 E. Main Street

Museum Hours:

Mondays: Closed

Tue - Sat: 10:00AM - 5:00PM

Sun: 12:00PM - 5:00PM

Installation Views